Weekly Dev Tips and Resources — Issue #1

Weekly Dev Tips and Resources — Issue #1

This is the newsletter that gives you a summary of everything relevant that happened the past week that can help you on your coding journey.

Hey developers 👋

This is the newsletter that gives you a summary of everything relevant that happened the past week that can help you on your coding journey.

Hello world, and welcome to the first issue of this newsletter.

It is Monday, September 27th, 2021, early in the morning before work and I am writing this first issue to 0 subscribers. And you know what, I couldn’t be more excited!

I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time, but I’ve always let excuses get in the way. “Who’s gonna read it?”, “How do I find valuable content?”, “What if no one subscribes?”. These were some of the questions that I asked myself and that have kept me from doing this earlier, but like many say: “You just have to start”, and so I did.

You can expect this weekly newsletter in your inbox every Monday with the best tips and resources that I compiled during the week that can help you grow as a developer.

If you get value from this content, please be free to share it with your fellow developer friends!

✍️ Weekly Snippet


Delay the execution of an asynchronous function. Have you tried to delay the execution of a specific part of an async function before? Delay executing part of an async function, by putting it to sleep, returning a Promise that resolves after ms milliseconds.

📄 Must-Reads

👀 Product of the Week

Screenshot_2021-09-27_at_00.15.40 (1).png

Small Dev Tools is a compilation of tiny tools that many developers look for daily to perform fast, small tasks. Instead of firing up Google and looking for a new website every time that can format that file or parse that JSON, you can bookmark Small Dev Tools on your browser and have it handy.

🚧 Projects Updates

WIP: New CodeSlabs.io landing page CodeSlabs.io is getting a new landing page! It is still under PR review and a component is missing, but you can find the new version at a preview channel right here.

Check it out and share your feedback.

🎬 This Week’s Video

💬 Join our Discord

Join our Discord channel and get help from the community for all your developer needs.

If you find my content valuable, I’d really appreciate it if you could support me so that I can continue improving and dedicating more time to it.

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